My personal site

Hello, I’m a third-year PhD student at Purdue University in Indiana. My research field is programming languages and software engineering and I also have experience with general software development. My goal is to create tools to help other people create.
Key projects I've worked on with others
- Ř (formerly RIR): A JIT compiler for the R programming language. See the experience page for more details and my specific contributions.
- UnderstandableBinary: Fine-tune a transformer (CodeT5) to prettify Ghidra-decompiled C and C++ code.
Key personal projects:
- nominalscript: Nominal type system over TypeScript, similar to how TypeScript and Flow are structural type systems over JavaScript. A subset of the type system is defined and various properties are proven in Coq (reflexivity, antisymmetry, transitivity, top, bottom)
- TreeScript: A language to transform other languages' syntax, similar to coccinelle but more basic and language-agnostic
More on GitHub (newer) including this website, and BitBucket (older)
- Purdue CS Graduate Program: September 2020 - Present in West Lafayette, IN
- PRL@PRG Internship: January 2020 - May 2020 in Prague
- Northeastern University: September 2017 - January 2020 in Boston, MA
- Worked at NuPRL (a research lab) while at Northeastern, on an R JIT compiler called Ř. We published 2 papers, R Melts Brains (DLS/SPLASH 2019) and Contextual Dispatch for Function Specialization (OOPSLA/SPLASH 2020).
- E-mail:
- GitHub:
- Residence: West Lafayette, IN 47906