
For more experience, see my Resume. Here is a detailed timeline of the important parts, in reverse-chronological order:

Purdue Graduate School

Currently, I am attending Purdue University of Indiana. These are the courses I have taken:

PRL@PRG Internship (Ř): January 2020 - May 2020 in Prague

I was a assistant researcher at the PRL@PRG lab in Prague, supervised by Jan Vitek. I helped write another paper Contextual Dispatch for Function Specialization (OOPSLA/SPLASH 2020), and developed a profiler for Ř. After the paper was published, I continued to work on the profiler and added an event logger.

The profiler and event logger measure: number of call sites per function, number of times each function was executed at each call site, total execution time of the function, number of versions of each function (we compile multiple versions for different optimization contexts), time spent in each compilation pass for each version, number of times each function was deoptimized.

NextDroid Internship

NextDroid provides ground-truth verification for self-driving cars using LIDAR: basically the company puts higher-powered sensors on top of the car's sensors to prove that the car sensors work properly. I worked on the website frontend (TypeScript/JavaScript), backend (node.js), and a camera driver (C++).

For the website, in particular I helped create a camera feed which stays in sync with a video/playback timeline.


I worked at Northeastern's Programming Research Laboratory (NuPRL) on an R JIT compiler called Ř (formerly RIR), with a large team. My specific contributions include:

We published 2 papers:

Northeastern University: September 2017 - January 2020

I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a GPA of 3.877 / 4. Notable classes:

I also attended hackathons and clubs, and presented a poster at RISE (a small University expo) on a side project: TreeScript, a programming language that rewrites syntax of other languages.

Prior September 2017

I started programming as a hobby working on side projects. In high school I took AP Computer Science A + AP Computer Science Principles.